Renewing Your Membership
Membership with B&B must be renewed on an annual basis.
Here is how to renew:
Each active member will receive a B&B renewal form in the mail 1 -2 months before his/her membership expiration date.
Mail the following items to the B&B office at 80 Powder Mill Road, Morris Plains, NJ 07950 before your membership expires:

Renewal Form
Membership renewal form – completed and signed
Updated Medical Records
We need proof that your dog’s rabies and DHLPP vaccines are current. We accept titers for DHLPP if your dog is unable to receive vaccines.
Click here to see our Health Requirements.
Click here to see our Health Requirements.
A new photo
This is optional; otherwise we use existing photo. (If emailing a new photo, we prefer a JPG file no more than 4.5MB)
Renewal check
Renewal check of $40 for first team, payable to Bright & Beautiful Therapy Dogs. There is a $15 fee for each additional handler or dog.

Once the B&B Office receives all these items, your membership renewal can be processed! Please note we require a hard copy of your membership renewal form, mailed to our office at 80 Powder Mill Road, Morris Plains, NJ 07950. Other documents may be sent via email to or faxed to 973-292-9559. Shortly after we process your renewal, you will receive an updated ID badge in the mail.
The Bright & Beautiful Therapy Dogs, Inc.
The Bright & Beautiful Therapy Dogs, Inc. is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) all volunteer organization. We do not accept monetary compensation for our visitation. Testing fees and membership fees are donations and are tax deductible.
Contact Us
80 Powder Mill Road, Morris Plains, NJ 07950
Phone: (973)292-3316
Toll-Free (888) 738-5770
Fax: (973)292-9559