Request a Visit

 blastour o Bright & Beautiful teams provide ongoing or one-time visits to many types of facilities including:

  • Medical and Physical wellness – hospitals, rehabilitation centers, long term care
  • Education – elementary, middle and high schools, colleges and universities, libraries, scouting and 4H clubs
  • Older Adults – nursing homes, assisted living facilities, senior centers
  • Mental Wellness – company health and wellness events, group houses, funeral homes

We also visit private homes, at the request of a family member.

And there is absolutely no cost to any facility or family! All our members are volunteers and love doing this kind of work!

  • If your facility, organization or family member is located in New Jersey and would like to request a visit, first please read the information below about the request process.  Then, click here to complete a request form.
  • If your facility, organization or family member is located outside of New Jersey and would like to request a visit, our  Evaluators may know local members who might be available. Please obtain assistance from one of our Evaluators who is based in your area.

New Jersey Visitation Requests Only

Please read this overview carefully before making a visitation request:

  • A facility representative or family member (for a private home visit) must complete the B&BTD Visitation Request Online Form, describing the details of the opportunity. 
  • Advance notice is required. Complete the form at least 2 -3 weeks before the desired date or start to provide time for our office to advertise your request, and for our members to learn about the opportunity.
  • Once our office receives your completed request form, we will send you a confirmation email.  We advertise the opportunity with our New Jersey members via a biweekly email blast.
  • Since B&BTD members are volunteers, they have different interests and schedules and select where and when they visit.   B&BTD does not make the direct placement at a facility, event or private house and teams are not sent out by our office
  • Therapy Dog teams who are interested in your visitation opportunity will reach out to you directly.
  • To start, complete a visitation request form
    • Please use the correct form for your request – note we have four different forms depending on your need
    • Please provide sufficient details so our members understand the purpose of the visit and what you wish to accomplish. Incomplete forms will not be processed; be sure to provide all information required including a complete address.


A therapy dog visit is usually one hour long.  If your event is longer, you must ask for multiple teams and stagger the visitation hours to cover your event.  If you don’t hear from a sufficient number of volunteer teams, plan accordingly and be aware you may not have teams for your entire event. 

There are no guarantees a team will be available to meet your request since everyone is a volunteer.  But the opportunity can be reposted in an upcoming announcement, if you request it through our office. 

Private Home – Ongoing Visitation Request 

Use this form only if you are a family member requesting a visit in your own home.


  • A family member or responsible adult must be present at all visits to private homes.
  • Resident pets (if any) must be removed from the area during a visit.


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Specific Person at a Facility – Ongoing Visitation Request

Use this form if you are a family member requesting a therapy dog team to visit with a specific person at facility (e.g., nursing home, hospital, etc.). You must obtain facility approval prior to your request.


  • Our insurance carrier states that Facilities must provide an escort or point of contact (a facility employee or volunteer) for the therapy dog team on all visits.
  • Resident pets (if any) must be removed from the area during a visit.


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Facility – Ongoing Visitation Request

Use this form if you are a facility (e.g., nursing home, school, etc.) and you are requesting repeated visits on a regular basis. 


  • Our insurance carrier states that Facilities must provide an escort or point of contact (a facility employee or volunteer) for the therapy dog team on all visits. 
  • Resident pets (if any) must be removed from the area during a visit.

Type of Visit:


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One-Time Event Visitation Request

Use this form if you are a facility (e.g., school, group home, etc.) requesting a visit on a specific date or set of dates.  


  • Due to the timing of communications with our members, we request a minimum of two weeks advance notice for events. 
  • If your event is far in the future, e.g., 3 -4 months ahead, members may not respond.  Please consider submitting your event a couple of months in advance.
  • Our insurance carrier states that Facilities must provide an escort or point of contact (a facility employee or volunteer) for the therapy dog team on all visits. 
  • Resident pets (if any) must be removed from the area during a visit.

Type of Visit:

If necessary would you provide tables, chairs, shelter, etc. for therapy teams?

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Prefer a physical copy?

Download the applicable forms below and email it to us at

The Bright & Beautiful Therapy Dogs, Inc.


The Bright & Beautiful Therapy Dogs, Inc. is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) all volunteer organization. We do not accept monetary compensation for our visitation. Testing fees and membership fees are donations and are tax deductible.

Contact Us

80 Powder Mill Road, Morris Plains, NJ 07950
Phone: (973)292-3316
Toll-Free (888) 738-5770
Fax: (973)292-9559