What is a “sponsored” B&B visit?
Note: All therapy dog visits must be “sponsored” Bright & Beautiful visits. A sponsored visit is one that follows the B&B guidelines – both in terms of the facility or private home and the B&B member. The facility or private home requesting the visit must provide the appropriate supervision and support for the B&B team, and the B&B member is required to adhere to our processes and procedures for the visit. Click here to see our guidelines.
The Bright & Beautiful Therapy Dogs, Inc.
The Bright & Beautiful Therapy Dogs, Inc. is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) all volunteer organization. We do not accept monetary compensation for our visitation. Testing fees and membership fees are donations and are tax deductible.
Contact Us
80 Powder Mill Road, Morris Plains, NJ 07950
Phone: (973)292-3316
Toll-Free (888) 738-5770
Fax: (973)292-9559