Health Requirements
The Bright & Beautiful Therapy Dogs, Inc. Guidelines: Health Requirements
1. New registration requires that your veterinarian completes our health certificate. We ask for your veterinarian’s opinion if he/she would endorse your dog to be a therapy dog.
2. Upon registration and yearly registration renewal we require:
- Confirmation that your dog has been examined by the vet in the past year, along with a health certificate or a shot record confirming your dog is current on these vaccinations:
- Veterinarian reports of titer levels are acceptable for vaccinations other than rabies.
- A fecal check
- Keep your vaccination records current; If they expire during your current year and receive new shots please send us the new shot records.
✓ Rabies
✓ Bordatella
3. Dogs are disqualified for a visit if they have been ill within the last 24 hours with:
- Vomiting and/or diarrhea.
- Any symptoms of a communicable disease. (See our Disease Control Brochure)
- Open wounds, recent surgery pain or any injury
- Female dogs cannot be “in season” while testing or conducting visitation.
- Female dogs must take maternity leave 30 days prior and 60 days after birth.
4. If your dog has a serious accident or illness that disqualifies them from visitation for more than two weeks or becomes disabled:
- You must notify our office immediately.
- After treatment, your veterinarian must examine your dog and provide in writing, using our Health Certificate indicating that your dog is healthy, pain free & able to return to therapy work.
5. Before every visit dogs must:
- Be clean and well groomed and be parasite free.
- Have short nails, cut and filed to avoid sharp edges.
- Have clean teeth, eyes and ears.
- Be in good health.
- Be allowed to exercise and eliminate prior to the visit.
- Most facilities require dogs to be bathed before every visit. Adhere to your facilities guidelines, but keep your pet’s well-being in mind. Not every breed is meant to be bathed too frequently. They must be clean!!!
- Use of flea and tick control products is understandable, but keep in mind that these are strong pesticides and chemicals. Do not use these products within 48 hours of a pet therapy visit, longer if it’s a product like Frontline, which may take longer to dissipate into the dog’s coat.
The Bright & Beautiful Therapy Dogs, Inc.
The Bright & Beautiful Therapy Dogs, Inc. is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) all volunteer organization. We do not accept monetary compensation for our visitation. Testing fees and membership fees are donations and are tax deductible.
Contact Us
80 Powder Mill Road, Morris Plains, NJ 07950
Phone: (973)292-3316
Toll-Free (888) 738-5770
Fax: (973)292-9559